At home WOD
Warm Up:
10x Jumping Jack
8x alt. Lunge + T-Spine Rotation
6x Airsquat
4x Burpee
2x Split Jumps
Movement prep:
20/10 x 3
– Samson Lunge
– D.Dog – Cobra
– Tuck Jumps
7 Rounds, every 4 Min.
10x Jumping Jack
10x Split Jumps
10x Jumping Jack
10x Burpee
10x Jumping Jack
10x Airsquat
10x Jumping Jack
10x Mountain Climber
10x Jumping Jack
10x High Knees
10x Jumping Jack
(if you can´t finish rounds in under 4 minutes, do 7 rounds for time)
Cool down:
1 Min medium Jogging
2 Min easy Jogging
2 Min Walking
(focus on controlled breathing to slow down breahting and heartbeat)
Running WOD
3 Sets:
8 Min Run (pick the fastest pace you can hold for 3 sets)
3 Min Walk