At home WOD


Warm Up

I) 5 Min AMRAP
12x Jogging in Place + Bearhug
12x Jogging in Place + Shoulder Circles
12x Jogging in Place + Buttkicks
12x „Knees to chest“
12x Leg swings

Movement prep:

20/10 x 1
– Jumpinmg Jacks
– Forward Lunges
– Bp Swings
– Bp Thrusters
(Bp= Backpack)



25 Min AMRAP
40x Jumping Jack
30x Bp Swings
20x Bp Forward Lunges
10x Bp Thrusters


Cool down

1 Min each
– „Hurdler“ Stretch (L)
– „Hurdler“ Stretch (R)
– Pigeon Stretch (L)
– Pigeon Stretch (R)
– Lying Chest Stretch (L)
– Lying Chest Stretch (R)


Running WOD

Warm Up
10 Min easy Jogging

3 Rounds
10x High Knees
10x Buttkicks
20m Karaoke Drill

(5 Min dynamic stretching)

Hill Sprints
10x 30-60 Sec. (use same location as last week and try to improve times)