WOD Blog2020-03-18T21:08:48+00:00

WOD Blog

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2. April 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up

I) 3 Min AMRAP
10x 90°-90°-Drill
5+5x Lunge + T-Spine Rotation

10x Hollow Rock
5x Deck Squat
10x Arch Rock
5x No Pushup Burpee

III) 20/10 Interval, 3 Rounds
– Samson Stretch (L)
– Samson Stretch (R)
– Kossack Squat



12 Sets, every 30 Sec.
max Vertical Jump right into max Horizontal Jump

12 Sets, every 30 Sec.
max Vertical Jump right into max Lateral Jump (alternating)


3 Sets for quality
12x alt. Single Leg V-Ups
8x V-Ups
4x Split-Ups
8x Hollow Rocks
12x Russian Twist
(try to go unbroken, rest after one giant set)


3 Sets for quality
10x Hollow Drill
10x Leg Lifts
10+10x Bird Dog
(try using Bird Dog as active recovery)


Cool down:
5-10 Min Turkish Get Up Skill practice
(use light object and balance on fist)
(at least one perfect rep per side)


Running WOD

Warm Up
10 Min easy Jogging
5 Min Dynamic Stretching

2 Sets
12 Min Run (hard; RPE 8)
3 Min Rest


1. April 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up

I) 5 Min AMRAP
10 reps each, 10x Jumpinmg Jack after each exercise
– Groiners + D.Dog
– Scapula Pushup
– Wallslides
– Airsquats

II) 20/10, 1 Rounds
– Handstand Hold / Pike Stretch
– Support on rings (top) / Support on chair (top)
– Support on rings /bottom) / Support on chair (bottom)



„JT“ 21 – 15 – 9
– Handstand Pushup / Pike Pushup
– Ring Dip / Chair Dip
– Pushup


Cool down

I) 3 Min
10x Airsquat
10x Bearhug
10x Airsquat
10x Shoulder Circles

II) 1 Min each
– Triceps stretch (L/R)
– Lying Chest stretch (L/R)
– Neck stretch (L/R)


Running WOD

Warm Up
3 Rounds
20m High Knees
20m Buttkicks
20m Karaoke Drill

60 Min Run
(goal is to increase pace every 10 Min)




31. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up

I) 5 Min AMRAP
12x Jogging in Place + Bearhug
12x Jogging in Place + Shoulder Circles
12x Jogging in Place + Buttkicks
12x „Knees to chest“
12x Leg swings

Movement prep:

20/10 x 1
– Jumpinmg Jacks
– Forward Lunges
– Bp Swings
– Bp Thrusters
(Bp= Backpack)



25 Min AMRAP
40x Jumping Jack
30x Bp Swings
20x Bp Forward Lunges
10x Bp Thrusters


Cool down

1 Min each
– „Hurdler“ Stretch (L)
– „Hurdler“ Stretch (R)
– Pigeon Stretch (L)
– Pigeon Stretch (R)
– Lying Chest Stretch (L)
– Lying Chest Stretch (R)


Running WOD

Warm Up
10 Min easy Jogging

3 Rounds
10x High Knees
10x Buttkicks
20m Karaoke Drill

(5 Min dynamic stretching)

Hill Sprints
10x 30-60 Sec. (use same location as last week and try to improve times)


30. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up:

I) 5 Min AMRAP
12x Samson Lunge
10x Groiners + D.Dog
8x Bp Taters
(Bp= Backpack)

II) 20/10 x 3
– Hindu Pushup
– Decksquat



40/20 Interval, 5 Rounds

– Bp Box (Chair) Step Ups
– Bp Decksquat
– Pike „around the world“


Cool down:

1 Min each
– Lunge Stretch (L)
– Lunge Stretch (R)
– Low Back Stretch (L)
– Low Back Stretch (R)
– Heelsit lying down


Running WOD

45 Min Run
!every 5 Min 10 broad jumps!


27. März 2020|

At home WOD


Hero WOD „Bert“

(wear body armor/weight vest if possible)
50x Burpee
400m Run
100x Pushup
400m Run
150x walking Lunges
400m Run
200x Airsquat
400m Run
150x walking Lunges
400m Run
100x Pushup
400m Run
50x Burpee

(indoor option: Test how many Jumping Jacks you can do in your average 400m dash time, then supstitute Jumping Jacks for running)



26. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up:

20/10 x 4
– Shoulder Circles (left)
– Shoulder Circles (right)
– Hollow Hold
– Arch Hold



Accumulate in as few sets as possible:
5 Min Handstand Hold
(Use a wall if necessary. Scale to Plank on Wall or Plank if necessary.)


4 Rounds
60 Sec. Slowmotion Wallclimb
(if you come down before 60 sec are over hold plank position)
60 Sec. Rest


4 Rounds
60 Sec. Slowmotion Bodyweight „Table Row“
(do as few reps as possible without resting in any position)
60 Sec. Rest


Cool down:

Neck Stretch for time not quality (until neck is loose again)

5-10 Min easy Cardio (run or bike)


Running WOD

Warm Up:
5-10 Min easy Jogging
3 Rounds:
10x Jumping Jack
10x High Knees
10x Samson Lunges

6 Rounds
– 1.500m Run (@ 10k pace)
– 200m Walk


25. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up:

10x Jumping Jack
8x alt. Lunge + T-Spine Rotation
6x Airsquat
4x Burpee
2x Split Jumps


Movement prep:

20/10 x 3
– Samson Lunge
– D.Dog – Cobra
– Tuck Jumps



7 Rounds, every 4 Min.
10x Jumping Jack
10x Split Jumps
10x Jumping Jack
10x Burpee
10x Jumping Jack
10x Airsquat
10x Jumping Jack
10x Mountain Climber
10x Jumping Jack
10x High Knees
10x Jumping Jack
(if you can´t finish rounds in under 4 minutes, do 7 rounds for time)


Cool down:

1 Min medium Jogging
2 Min easy Jogging
2 Min Walking
(focus on controlled breathing to slow down breahting and heartbeat)


Running WOD

3 Sets:
8 Min Run (pick the fastest pace you can hold for 3 sets)
3 Min Walk


24. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up:

1 Min each

– Jogging in place
– Samson Lunge
– Rotation Lunges
– Shoulder Taps
– Burpee


Movement prep WOD I:

20/10 x 3
– Lunge + T-Spine Rotation (left)
– Lunge + T-Spine Rotation (right)
– Single Leg Side to Side Bounding (left)
– Single Leg Side to Side Bounding (right)
– Split Jumps



6 Rounds (3 per leg)
10x Pistol Squat
10x Lunge Jump
10x Single Leg Jumps
1 Min Rest
(do entire round on one leg, switch legs each round)

Beginner Version:

10x Box Step Up
10x Reverse Lunge + explosive Finish
10x Single Leg Jumps with controlled landing


Movement prep WOD II:

20/10 x 3
– Scapula Pushup
– Rotation Pushup
– Scorpions



4 Rounds
12x Pushup (lizzard version)
max reps Plyometric Pushups
2 Min Rest

Beginner Version:

12x Box Pushups
12x Plyometric Box Pushup (higher Box)
2 Min Rest


Cool down:

2 Min per leg Calf Stretch
2 Min per leg Hamstring Stretch
2 Min per arm Chest Stretch


Running WOD

Warm Up:

5-10 Min easy Jogging

3 Rounds
20m High Knees
29m Buttkicks
20m Karaoke Drill


50 Min Run
(increase tempo every 10 Min)



23. März 2020|

At home WOD


Warm Up:

10x Airsquat
5x D.Dog – Cobra
10x Samson Lunge
5x Toes to hell Rocks
10x Scapula Pushup
5x Explosive Hip Extensions

Movement prep:

Odd object version:
3 Rounds:
5x Deadlift
1x Clean
1x Clean&Jerk

Rucksack version:
4 Rounds (2 per arm):
5x Swing
2x Clean
2x Push Press



Odd Object “ Grace“
30x Ground to Overhead (ahap)

Rucksack „Grace“
60x alt. Single Arm Hang Clean&Jerk (backpack)

Cool Down:

10x each side „Lunge+T-Spine Rotation Version I“
10x each side „Lunge+T-Spine Rotation Version II“

2 Min each side „low back stretch“


Running WOD

10x 30-60 Sec. Hill Sprint
2-3 Min Rest
(choose a step hill, but you should be able to run. Distance should be how much you can cover in 30 seconds on your first sprint.)



20. März 2020|

At home WOD


Weekend Challenge:

Hero WOD „Chat“

1.000x Box Step Up (40cm)
(wear a backpack 20/15kg)


Outdoor Option:

go for a hike (seek a challenging hike, not just a stroll up a hill!)